
Below are listed terms that can be found in this text. The terms are indexed by chapter and page. For example, “12-254” indicates that the term can be found in chapter 12 on page 254. Please also note that page numbers may vary based upon how you are reading this text!

Acceptable User Policy, 12-254
Access control, 6-127
Agile methodologies, 10-205
Altair 8800, 1-20
Apple II, 1-20
Application software, 1-16, 3-57
ARPA Net, 1-225-104
Assembly language, 10-210
Authentication, 6-125
Autonomous devices, 13-289
Availability, 6-125

Backups, 6-131
Berners-Lee, Tim, 1-22
Big Data, 4-91, 4-93
Binary, 2-33, -34
Binary prefixes, 2-36
Biometrics, 6-126
Bit, 2-33
Bitcoin, 11-245
Blockchain, 11-244
Bluetooth, 2-43, 5-114
Brynjolfson, Eric, 7-146
Build v. buy, 10-218
Bus, 2-39
Business Analytics, 4-98
Business Intelligence, 4-98
Business process, 8-163
Business Process Management (BPM), 7-153, 8-168
Business process re-engineering, 8-170
Byte, 2-33</p>
Cambridge Analytica, 12-251
Career paths, 9-189
Carr, Nicholas, 1-12, 2-26, 7-147
CASE tools, 10-215
Castells, Manuel, 11-233
Cellphone abroad, 5-114
Central Processing Unit (CPU), 2-36, video 2-37, multi-core 2-45
Certifications, 9-190
Change management, 10-223
Chief Information Officer (CIO), 9-186
Client-server, 1-21, 5-116
Cloud computing, 1-25, 3-68, 5-118
Collaborative systems, 7-155, 13-283
Code of ethics, 12-252
Commoditization, 2-50
Competitive advantage, 1-13, 2-26, 7-147, 7-153, 7-158
Compiled v. interpreted, 10-213
Components, 1-14
Computer engineer, 9-183
Computer operator, 9-185
Confidentiality, 6-124
Copyright, 12-256
Creative Commons, 12-261
Cross platform development, 10-221
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), 3-65

Data dictionary, 4-93
Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom, 4-77
Data integrity, 4-86
Data mining, 4-96, sidebar, 4-97
Data privacy, 12-251
Data types, 4-83
Data warehouse, 4-93, benefits, 4-95
Database, 4-78
Database administrator, 9-185
Database, enterprise, 4-91
Database spreadsheet sidebar, 4-85
Database Management System (DBMS), 4-90
Database, Relational, 4-78
Decimal numbering system, 2-34
Decision Support Systems (DSS), 7-156
Developer, 9-183
Digital devices, 2-33
Digital divide, 11-240
Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 12-260
Disintermediation, 1-23
Domain name, 5-107
DNS, 5-107
Do Not Track, 12-273
Dot-comm bubble, 1-235, 5-109
Double Data Rate (DDR), 2-40

Eclipse IDE, 3-61
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), 7-154
Email, 5-110
Encryption, 6-128
End-user computing, 10-220
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), 1-21, 3-64, 8-166
Eras, business computing, 1-25
Ethics, 12-250
Extranet, 5-117

Facebook, 11-251, 13-280
Fair use, 12-258
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 12-271
Fernandes, Benjamin, 11-245
Findable, 13-286
Firewalls, 6-132
First sale doctrine, 12-257
Ford, Henry, 12-250
Friedman, Thomas, 11-234

Gantt chart, 9-188
General Data Protection Regulation, 12-272
Global firm, 11-236
Globalization, 11-232
Ghemawat, Pankaj, 11-236

Hammer, Michael, 8-170
Hard disk, 2-41
Hardware, 1-15, 2-32
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 12-271
Huang’s Law, 2-38

Implementation Methodologies, 10-222
Information security triad, 6-124
Information systems, 1-14
Information systems employment, 9-180
Integrity, 6-124
Intellectual property, 12-255
Internet speed, 11-239
Internet usage statistics, 11-233
Intrusion Detection System (IDS), 6-133
IBM-PC, 1-20
Integrated circuits, 2-45
Internet, 1-22, internet and www, 5-111, high speed, 5-111
Internet of Things (IoT), 2-49, 13-286, install, 13-287
IP address, 5-106
Integrated Development Environment (IDE), 10-214
Internet user worldwide, 5-108
Intranet, 5-116
Isabel, 7-157
ISO certification, 8-174
IT doesn’t matter, 7-147

Key-Value database, 4-89
Kim, Paul, 11-243
Knowledge Management (KM), 4-98

Laptop, 1-12
Lean methodologies, 10-207
Linux, 3-56
Local Area Network (LAN), 1-21

Machine code, 10-209
Mainframe, 1-18
Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP), 1-19
Metadata, 4-92
Metcaffe’s Law, 5-119
Microsoft Excel, 3-57
Mobile applications, 3-67, building, 10-221, cross platform, 10-221
Mobile phone users worldwide, 13-280
Mobile networking, 5-113
Mobile security, 6-136
Mobile technology trends, 13-282
Motherboard, 2-39
Moore’s Law, 2-37

Nanobot, 13-289
Network Interface Card (NIC), 2-44
Nielsen, Jakob, 11-241
Non-obvious relationship awareness, 12-269
Normalization, 4-82
NoSQL, 4-89

Office application suites, 3-60
Open source software, 3-71
Openoffice, 3-72
Operating systems, 1-15, 3-55
Outsourcing, 9-193
Ownership of software, 3-63

Packet, 5-106
Password security, 6-130
Patent, 12-263
Patent troll, 12-265
PC, 1-12
Personal information security, 6-138
Personally identifiable information, 12-268
Physical security, 6-134
Powerpoint, 3-62
Portable computer, 2-47
Porter’s five forces, 7-150
Post PC world, 1-24
Primary key, 4-80
Printable, 13-284
Privacy, data, 4-97, 12-267
Procedural v. object-oriented, 10-213
Productivity paradox, 7-146
Productivity software, 3-58
Project manager, 9-188
Programming language spectrum, 10-212
Protocol, 5-108
Public key encryption, 6-129

Quality triangle, 10-208

Random Access Memory (RAM), 2-40
Rapid Application Development (RAD), 10-203
Retail Link, Walmart, 1-27
Router, 5-106
RSA SecurID token, 6-126

Security policies, 6-135
Sharepoint, 5-118
Smartphone, 1-12, 2-47
Software, 1-15
Solid State Drive (SSD), 2-41
Stop Think Connect, 6-139
Structured Query Language (SQL) 4-86
Student Clubs database, 4-81
Supply Chain Management, 1-27, 3-66
Support analyst, 9-185
Switch, 5-106
Systems analyst, 9-181
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), 10-200

Tableau, 3-62
Tablet, 2-48, decline, 13-282
TCP/IP, 5-105
Ted talk fibre optic, 1-23
Time-sharing, 1-19
Trademark, 12-265

Universal Serial Bus (USB), 2-42
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, 13-290
Usability, 6-138
Users, adoption types, 9-194

Value chain, 7-148
Virtual Machine (VM), 3-70
Virtual Private Network (VPN), 6-133
Virtualization, 3-70
Voice Over IP (VOIP), 5-115

Walmart, 1-26, 4-91
Wearable, 13-282
Web 2.0, 1-23, 5-109
Web services, 10-219
Website, build, 10-216
Wi-fi, 5-112
Windows operating system, 1-20
Word size, 2-34
World 3.0, 11-236
World is flat, 11-234
World Wide Web (WWW), 1-22


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